Meet Calvin and Callie. Dear friends from Colorado. Both were on an internship in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia while I was in Singapore a couple months back. They came down for the weekend. We toured the city. Ate local food. Went shopping. Got up super early for their photo shoot. Had a terrible time getting a taxi. Finally made it to our spot. Shot this crazy good looking couple in beautiful SE Asia morning light. Laughed a ton. Found an awesome coffee shop. Exchanged stories about life in Asia. Talked about the food we were going to eat when we got home (by that I mean Chipotle). Walked around the city some more. Said goodbye and they headed back to the bus station. All of us with “who’d of thought we’d be doing this” smiles on our faces. These are some good memories.
Hope you enjoy the dreamy morning light along with these gorgeous faces.
- When: May 25, 2013
- Where: Singapore
- Category: Destination, Love